the imperishable, unchangeable and indestructible
the very word,letter, syllable
the pranava OM
the dettatreya trinity of brahma vishnu and shiva

so here's my thoughts amplified
this colloquy that i have with myself now here
the search for the things that remain constant in this life of changes, the things that are imperishable
yet cherishing the most simple things in life that may seem so unimportant and small but add beauty and colour,
to seek out the unfathomable, powers beyond our wildest dreams
the sanatana dharma to be upheld,
and the karma that we cannot run or hide from for it is the very equation we need to balance out
and hence the very reason of our existence
with a mic up my soul let the story unfold,
the past be forgotten and a new tale told.

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथ कीर्तनम् तत्र तत्र क्रित मस्तक अन्जलिं बष्पावरी परीपूर्ण लोचनम् मारुतिं नमश्च राक्षस अंतकम्।

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hockey annual general meeting
Happy Birthday Logan
West Coast Dinner
Scary Movies
and many other randoms
i've just been lazy to blog about it
next year ok ;)

the light & the darkness
and i stand in between
how one girl threw me into obscurity, devilish deep dark secrets
while another, like a lamp she spread light throughout
but now empty i stand without both
and so i have to choose
for the year's coming to a close and i stand guilty, indefinite, undecided.
temptations take form and seduce like never before
yet my eyes stay affixed on the light
maybe cos i still can't take my eyes of the girl with the lamp

i'm not going to proclaim your devotee no more
for i know that worthiness i have yet to reach
my humanliness takes over forgive me
one day i will forge paths with you i promise
untill then i offer my character to you
things that mantra and tantras cannot achieve
let my strength and resolute character acquire.

the year's coming to a close
and i live no regrets
yet i know the dream's not being lived
going pro when mister i ask?
the music's not there yet
but it will be cos i believe in miracles
haha just watch and see =)
happy new year everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

ok so i just recieved a letter from ngee ann
2 actually, one's a reminder *ignored*
and the other's to congratulate my hockey teams silver position in Pol-Ites
theres loads of pictures i want to upload regarding the tournament
but i cant seem to get my hands on them
i only have these 2 pics
and some other randoms of my hockey peeps
so there.

this is pebble chan. i swear she was posing

the trio
the picture speaks for itself

my nature boy machan

this is my friend Ng Sin Ee

she's not shy she's just arrogant

that's my glasses she's wearing

she owes me something

this is to prove she's publicly my friend*ahem*

actually this is very random

Monday, December 3, 2007

dec 1st- my sisters and mom flew off to india
dec 7th- my dad's flying off to join them
dec 10th- my grannie and cousins are going off to malaysia
guess who's left behind?
and somehow im not celebrating
cos its getting kinda lonely
and its gona get more chilly soon
this sucks.

Friday, November 30, 2007

In my life
I don't mean much to anyone
I've lost my way can't go back anymore
Once I had everything now it's gone
Don't tell me again coz
I've heard it all before
Some people say that I'm not worth it
I've made mistakes but nobody's perfect
Guess I'll give it a try
I've got one last chance to get myself together

I can't lose no more time it's now or never and
I try to remember who I used to be
I've got one last chance to get myself together
The time has come for me to change again
I can't carry on like this, I will lose my friends - don't say that you have given up on me
Just give me the time and space to heal my head
I don't wanna be misunderstood
I've got to take this chance and make it into something good

I've got one last chance to get myself together

Thursday, November 29, 2007


finally i got my laptop fixed
seems brand new, all for free thanks to the warranty. lucky lucky
been a week since i posted something
and the weeks been topsy turvy
but like they say, the only constant is change

and here's a tribute to musicians that i admire and look up to
hats off to taalmenz and tribal taal for their show at esplanade under kala utsavam
it was a splendid show
not only the standard of music but also their showmanship
fusion at its best, simply orgasms
kya bath guys

next to family, can mean alot to someone
well personally for me they do
thats why i give all, the best i can
the importance for simple reasons,
they are a reflection of yourselves
and for me, they're a priority

but then there's the some people
who take advantage, or take for granted
worst, they dont noe what they want and stay adamant to their ways
they say give and you will recieve
but at this point, it becomes more than that
life becomes a game and you gotta learn to play it

i despise australia
you guys are my pillars
so dont leave me rooted dudes
seriously, what am i gona do?

Friday, November 23, 2007

the laptop has crashed
joy.excitement.love.adrenaline rush.laughter.happiness
take all these sweet emotions into a tube
then just a tint of poison u add in
stir and shake well
and look at how the concortion changes
in just over an hour
to total dismay.worry.anger.frustration.dissapointment.sadness
dont ask me how, it just happens
petty. hur
but its keeping me up the whole night that i know

Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy birthday sin :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

this silence is deafening

if everyone in the world decided to stay mum and keep quiet
about how they feel, keeping tight about their emotions
gah. i rather my body cold and lifeless.dead than be in such a world
whether you realise, i don't know
for the things that you dont say
will hurt more than the things you say
expectations aside, i'm human too eh?
my will to give you thins out slowly
cos basically,
this silence is deafening


i'm dreaming of somethings now...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

im going in search of you hanuman...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

akhanda bhajans

Kumaran playing the naaal

mr. govindalu playing the flute

yet another of my gif creations, owing to my boredom. and my new phone of cos.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

முழு நிலவெ மறைந்துவிதட்டாய்
ரசிக்க விடாமல் தவிக்க விட்டாய்
இரவுகள் தொரும் ஏங்குகிரேன்
பகலில் தானடி தூங்குகிரேன்...
the effect dreams have on you,
to make you shudder and wake up in cold sweat
not the typical ones with monsters chasing you
but the reality ones,
the ones with demons from your past never letting go.

the more i think of it the more it makes me sick
how you give love such a bad name
just cause your hormones go wild and crave for the unthinkable
you lower yourself to the state of an animal
how in the world did you think you could escape with all this
don't you know your karma will come finding you
and you will have to pay for all that you do?
my blood boils when i look around
and i see what i expected taking place
but im powerless to do or undo, to help you
clueless on what to do
my ego's screaming
but im pretending deaf now
only to see you happy

let the wounds open once again
and bleed all out
for the next stitches
will be stronger
நென்ஜே நென்ஜே நினைந்துவிடு
நிகழ்ந்ததை மறந்துவிடு

Thursday, November 8, 2007

i'm looking for my deepavali

morning bhajans
afternoon visit by the hockey peeps
evening realisations
Mookam karoti vaachaalam
Pangum langhayatey girim
Yatkripaa tamaham vandey
Paramaananda Maadhavam

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rania Rania

Rania's Pre Deepavali Gathering at her house
and surprisiginly, for a place that SHE lives in
its quite neat and fashionable
bet she was no part of it la
her cookies.hmmm. ok la nice la
sharania's quite hospitable in fact
except for the part that violent godzilla pushed me down
and aggrevated my knee injury.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

you shout you insult
you put down you find fault
yes yes yes
spin spin spin spin spin
out of control
jack of all trades, master of none
2 - 3
no comments im tired

nice right?

haha haniff's feminine poses


1) i love that balleilakka song

2) indrani d/o chills i do not look like teletubbies and yes u're a jealous ass.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


haha a new hockey player in the making

i used these 2 monkeys to test out the new functions in my phone

and look what i created.

but the 1st prize goes to my edit of the day
yes ladies and gentleman
i created a monster.
friends family tutorials music hockey love
environment that changes your character
im still conforming,
but to a point the changes become radical
then expectations come in
like a noose around your neck
every moment tightening its hold
shucks i'm bad at this
and everything will spin out of control
real soon.
indra and her kaama-fied sounds tsk tsk.
deeps is drawing near
and so the daunting task of cleaning my room i took upon
but it paid of quite well
cos i just added a new amplifier with 2 big speakers into my room
you can see 3 of the 6 here with the 2 amps that i have and my cracked laptop
perfect for jamming :D

this 2 are gay i tell you. seriously
they took so damn long to decide what they wanted to eat
all cos gerards super fussy. too spicy la. too hot la
i need to jam seriously, i'm itching
and i need to clarke quay soon
real soon.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

vested interests
it was just a try. chinna gamble i took.
but after i get that faded black jeans
i'm going back to chillax ready.

kama-fied he said
come to think of it its true,
but such is the plight of girls these days
wadeva happened to bharathi kanda puthumai pen man?
honestly, i miss that innocent love

Friday, November 2, 2007


NP vs SP
2 - 0
but i dont see the team i saw last thursday.
thank god we didnt pay the price for complacency
next up, NYP

the band needs a new keyboardist
any takers?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hanif's Hair

the new signing for ngee ann hockey
the infamous haircut
the take advantage of the mirror thingy
the bitch i've missed
ahh yes the wednesdays
CMA kills i tell you, but no sweat la i'm not phased
9-4 sch
sharania's drop by at ngee ann
hockey team talk
hanif's haircut
dinner at al ameen
poor thing sia hanif his hair really sayang.
hahaha nvm dei ms june jealous, after IVP grow back your hair
and then you can show off ur hair to her
haha :P
here's a short video clip tribute to you

" When you fear, you'll never know your true potential"