iNCUBUS live @ fort canning park
opened by SAOSIN
incubus being one of my favourite rock bands
mostly cos of their very experimental kind of music
and also their technicality that most don't realise
and this is where it begins
most of them don't realise.
Although it was an awesome show,
oh and an expensive one too (127 bucks to be precise)
And the fact i got to be directly infront of the stage sweetened the whole experience
atleast that was what i thought
untill the crowd starting moshing and pushing from the back
lets be more specific
it's gona get a bit personal now, but wadeva
when i meant CROWD moshing i meant
dumb mother****ers with totally no logic or EQ
the mats to be exact and the occasional ang-moh/chinese/indian punkasses
no really, what's with you wana-be rock fans?
where's the meaning to good music when u start behaving like animals
thinking that pushing and shoving others and creating havoc is very musical
picture this.
take an idiot from that crowd. and put him all alone
then take a frail looking girl and ask him to punch and shove her
he would'nt.
but when all these dumb mats come together they lose all logic
and the music must seem to intoxicate them.
And so indirectly their actions hurt so many of them.
I know because i was at the front and i saw countless amount of girls fainting and vomitting.
getting thrown from here to there.
It's not that i couldn't handle the heat man, just think of the weak who can't protect themselves.
I'm a huge fan of rock, but after this i detest the local rock scene totally.
The whole scene was such a mess. Such a shame
That's just not what music's about my friends.