the imperishable, unchangeable and indestructible
the very word,letter, syllable
the pranava OM
the dettatreya trinity of brahma vishnu and shiva

so here's my thoughts amplified
this colloquy that i have with myself now here
the search for the things that remain constant in this life of changes, the things that are imperishable
yet cherishing the most simple things in life that may seem so unimportant and small but add beauty and colour,
to seek out the unfathomable, powers beyond our wildest dreams
the sanatana dharma to be upheld,
and the karma that we cannot run or hide from for it is the very equation we need to balance out
and hence the very reason of our existence
with a mic up my soul let the story unfold,
the past be forgotten and a new tale told.

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथ कीर्तनम् तत्र तत्र क्रित मस्तक अन्जलिं बष्पावरी परीपूर्ण लोचनम् मारुतिं नमश्च राक्षस अंतकम्।

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I believe

Yeap, another medal for my showcase :D
SHF Division 3 Men's 6-a-side
5 goals
Very very memorable for the fact we came with the intention to slack :P
But now my ass and legs hurt. And i got wacked on my hand. urgh.

And who would have guessed. Another surprise party in my hse.
Celebrated with my sis who's birthday is one day after mine.
My band. Her frens. and my yungest sistas frens too.lol
Was fun. in a childish way la. (we played wacko haha)
but still... thanks guys

WAHLAU as if some tornado past by sia

My room was soo clean untill u'll came

and now i have to clean up again.ARGH!

i've seen many
but u i can't let go
there must be a reason y it means so much to me
wadeva the case
i believe
and now. im strong enuff to wait
if i could fill in ur blanks so well
wad makes u think now i don't understand
and wad makes u think i can't fill these empty blanks?
:) smile my dear fren
for everything happens for a reason
and only good things happen to good ppl
so let's pray for the best
and no matter, i'll always be there =)
Dont' worry Be Happy!!
(thanks :D)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

giridhara govinda gopala

Giridhara govinda gopala
ganashyama nandala...
Mana mohana madhu soodhana
hey madhava...
my fav
thanks alot to taalmenz
for the song

Siloso Beach
Been long, was nice seeing you. missed u :)
U're frenz are gr8
But the settings were even gr8er
At nite, just so romantic.
Was a waste u were with me eh? not *ahem*
haha soon soon!
and by the way... i'm glad you're here now :)

I can't anymore
i'm sorry
tried my best
but u just seem to not want anymore
those special moments of frenship
confident i din do anything wrong
puzzles me, the way things are now
am i guilty of something? hmm
i'm taking a step back
leaving it to you now and fate
but wad u wrote on my back
it's still there...
my dear fren

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


a trip to the temple
Performance at NUS

celebrate with my band

dinner with my NP hockers

can't ask for more

thanks to all

for making my day :)

To my band,

We know where we stand now

No use blaming

Let's work hard from henceforth

Performing aside

Lets jam our asses of :D

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

the preps

So we met
At shiva's house
and we jammed till late
day well spent

Appologies to shameni
my fault
just felt that everyone was there and we din want to miss out on u
din expect
sorry :)

Shambo Shankara Deva in Acoustic
Prema Ishwar Hai in Jazz
May the Love in Rock

Monday, March 26, 2007


Fri Sat
Spent at a chalet in Costa Sands
With the hockey family
Slacking Playing BBQ
Except for those akward moments
Could'nt have been better :)

But the turning pt came today,
After a tiring day of jamming and fliming a mini video at bhavans,
I had a long but good talk with my dad
Been long and it made me feel so energized after that
Made me realise alot.

It would'nt have taken me long to move away
But the fact i stuck on means only one thing
I am who i am, i nva change neither does my feelings
A long time ago, i put my hand out
And you took it and said u'll nva let go
My hand's still there out stretched
But slowly its starting to tremble too.
Hope you'll grab it back b4 its too late my dear fren.

And now i affirm..
To bring my senses under control
My mind in my hand
Desires banished
Goals set
Emotions silenced
uphold dharma
and resolve my karma
Put my faith in his will
And i walk on..


Friday, March 23, 2007

A song i relate to..

It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone
Something has been taken from deep inside of me
The secret I've kept locked away no one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played

If I could change I would take back the pain I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made I would
If I could stand up and take the blame I would
I would take all my shame to the grave

Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past
Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have
Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back
And never moving forward so there'd never be a past
Just washing it aside
All of the helplessness inside
Pretending I don't feel misplaced
It's so much simpler than change

Sunday, March 11, 2007

it hurts ma..
i wont deny, but i deserve it.
the first time it killed me ma
but i managed to get up with help from above
but now i got myself back where i began ma
right down at rock bottom
how could i have been so stupid ma?
Look at the guy in the mirror,
a face only you could love ma..
but u didnt,
which is why his life turned out like this ma.
i only wanted to believe i could be loved too ma,
i din mean to push it.
i treated it like a gift from god when things were smooth ma
then why did i have to push it?
but i swear ma, it really did seem that way ma.
and i fell for it
but its all my fault ma..
so now i pay the price all alone
but in my heart that very special place
for her will always be..
cos i loved not to get..
but loved only to give wad i could..
she's my estbtse ebra nerf
its cold ma..
my heart feels numb
but deep down my heart the raging fire
to succeed and to prove wrong the many
keeps me warm ma..
he's with me ma, hanuman is..
i pray he be my strength
for im stripped to my very bone now.
but i will..
i will be
who i wish to be and not who you want me to be
so there..
i'm not a perfect person ma,
but i've loved as much as i can.
but now this heart has learned its lesson
and it awaits its turn..
for its imperfections to be loved.
its dark ma
but im used to this blindness..
and its given me something i can set my sights on..
so once again ma,
let the story unfold.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ya feel me?

Whether the audience could feel us
We don't care
Whether they liked it
We don't care
In the end..
We rocked our souls
And enjoyed every second of it
Although the whole group agreed
it would have been nicer with Uma and her trumpet :)
Glad u've got it back uma!
And so, we continue
To grow and to fuse together
Slowly, Step by Step
Till the days the of our glory

Sunday, March 4, 2007

We be Jammin Ya'll

Sunday!! The best day of the week..

So the troop met at 10 at bhavans and we jammed all the way till 1.30
Ofcourse there were late comers and ppl who din sleep the whole nite b4 (AHEM Mr.JJ no more excuses ah) but at the end..
All i have to say is..
Ma Pa Sa Pa Ma Pa Sa Pa Ma Pa Ni Ni Sa
Ni Ni Sa Sa Ni Ni Sa Sa Ni Sa Sa Ga Ga Saaaaaaaa

Oh ya and i have to say brice, your ideas are awesome so keep the shit coming man and here's a pic in tribute to you, my very own bitch :)

All Hail Brice Almighty

After Jamming the band put a small performance at the hall during ehv and then we went on with class, our first day with the grp 3 boys. wasnt too bad i gues..
Going back was a killer cos i had to carry the amps,guitar and effects board. Thx shiva for the help..
and yes when i reach home it completely took over me..


the strength im really gona need now..


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Sat Sizzles

Soccer in the morning, played for East Side Boyz
Lots of MUD and I was covered in it from TOP to TOE
(The cons of being GOALKEEPER -.-)
Plus, i lnearly left my phone in the changing room. Phew.

Met the KPO Aunty for less than 40 mins, went to boon lay.
7 eleven then to the Pet Shop where she mingled with her animal frens.
And i was freaked out by the BLACK bull terrier that was raoming around leashless
in the shop. I love dogs but seriously this one's face scared the shit out of me..

Then i met Uma, Jia Jie, Logan, Shiva and Sai at jurong east to discuss plans for sunday. We had dinner and then played pool. And mind you, i really SUCK at pool but today, i actually WON my first game :D ok fine so i am a noob but sooner or later ill pick it up la!

Tomoro's gona be a long day
and i'm falling sick...
need the strength.
Your happines = Mine
So Keep smiling :)
And keep talking..