i'm having abit of a tussle with myself
trying to revert back to my sadhana (discipline) plan
its tough. even tougher with a messy room that haunts you.
Cos thats my first daunting task.
To clean my room. seems so impossible.
Personality conflicts within myself.
Its like doing a master mixing on a equaliser.
u gota balance the treble bass echo gain bla bla..
Problem is im losing grip of the situation.
FINE so im feeling abit on the lazy side.
Gota kick myself back into action.
errr but right now. ill just go laze la
buahahha :x
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Friday jammings are the bomb.
So the band's going through much of a makeover.
The genres. The instruments.
We have chosen to rename our band inlight of our exposures to higher order music.
Akashic records?Aksharas?fukc?(kumaran suggested that)
The addition of drum box with the combination dholak. aha oho
And jia jies jang jazz chords that at first distort the song
but later when refined adds beauty.
kya bath
And here's a little sneak peak into our jamming sessions.
Dont worry, you're not gona find anything constructive there
Its just one of our randoms :)
Click on TEST-undefined
So the band's going through much of a makeover.
The genres. The instruments.
We have chosen to rename our band inlight of our exposures to higher order music.
Akashic records?Aksharas?fukc?(kumaran suggested that)
The addition of drum box with the combination dholak. aha oho
And jia jies jang jazz chords that at first distort the song
but later when refined adds beauty.
kya bath
And here's a little sneak peak into our jamming sessions.
Dont worry, you're not gona find anything constructive there
Its just one of our randoms :)
Click on TEST-undefined
Thursday, August 23, 2007
2 aussies and a SGian

Sooooo sleepy.
Soooo messed up lifestyle.
but who's complaining :D
Everything has been on impulse.
Cos basically im trying to catch up on some rest
But it seems impossible with my friends around.haha
Ragu came down to my house and picked me up on his bike
Went for a cheap thrill ride which had no purpose.
He ah. thinks he's some hell rider.
Cool shades biker gloves all.
Then we met shiva and rania at bukit batok for dinnner
And as usual we made an impulsive decision.
To stay over at shiva's house.
I had to drink coffee just to stay wake.
The late night acoustics
The distorting of my photo
The bluff
The sharania fearing me and ***ing
Oh ya and did i mention. loads of photos taken. woot.
credits to sharania for taking and editing the top photo :)
YES. i love u asses.Wednesday, August 22, 2007

its over. finally some fresh air :D
but my whole body's so screwed thanks to the damn exams
less than 6 hrs sleep in 3 days
and eating at odd timings.
so basically im not in the best of moods.
First course after exams,
head straight to cine to chillax
XBOX. CS. basically letting of the steam
and i seriously think lynn isn't straight man.
but she's a good counsellor. lol
And these pics are from lynn by lynn, which is why you will see that she appears most

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
ahh yes. my tagbox.

a place where the freedom of expression noes no limits
first and foremost i would like to give credits to my dear ah ng for helping me create it =)
And since i've been having difficulty accessing it i'de like to thank sharania for helping me keep a lookout :)
lately, i've recieved much compliments from people i don't know
and i am very much grateful to you.
I decided to have this tagbox knowing the disadvantages it poses, but yet i went with it.
All because i'm very open to comments.
This falls into advantage of those trash talking uncouth beings out there who try to settle scores with me through the means of a tagbox.
Not to bark back at the barking dog.
That is the standards expected.
But i'm gona take this opportunity to address all those who take cover behind their moms skirts and throw paper aeroplanes at me, in hopes of crushing me.
When you throw a boomerang you have to realise that it comes back at you and to be able to handle it is an acquired skill.
Something you couldnt learn living behind that skirt all these years. I hope you comprehend the analogy.
Cos simply,
Reversing my name cannot reverse who i am my friend.
Now i publicly make an invitation to any soul out there who desire and crave a piece of me.
If you want me, come and get me.
I've chosen not to reply these comments, but neither will i delete them. And i'm not going to indulge in Drerogratory or Abusive terms to hit back. But in the terms of the pantomime, here's a Thank you for your effort =)

Monday, August 20, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
something that translates to the devil himself
with the power to just suck the life out of a human being
leaving him to feel so empty and lifeless.
Its not the exam itself, its the time period
Just screws up your whole system.
Either i study. Or i stone
I cant bring myself to do anything other than that
Oh ya and theres the prospective thinking
starts up a fire in me ya noe. a silent fire though.
and its in this very volatile period of life
that GOD will want to test you, poke at you.
FINE. poke at me la;
poke at my family tree
poke at my frens
poke at my retrospective thoughts
poke at my left ear
poke at my declining physique
poke at my desires
poke at my fear of the exodus
poke at my faith in YOU
poke at my resilience against these cheap whores that throw themselves at you
poke at the crumbling walls around me
something that translates to the devil himself
with the power to just suck the life out of a human being
leaving him to feel so empty and lifeless.
Its not the exam itself, its the time period
Just screws up your whole system.
Either i study. Or i stone
I cant bring myself to do anything other than that
Oh ya and theres the prospective thinking
starts up a fire in me ya noe. a silent fire though.
and its in this very volatile period of life
that GOD will want to test you, poke at you.
FINE. poke at me la;
poke at my family tree
poke at my frens
poke at my retrospective thoughts
poke at my left ear
poke at my declining physique
poke at my desires
poke at my fear of the exodus
poke at my faith in YOU
poke at my resilience against these cheap whores that throw themselves at you
poke at the crumbling walls around me

Company Law, Business Law:
Incorporation - Treating the firm as a seperate legal entity
Theres a lot to learn from this you know,
not on a superficial note but deeper.
In life, you have to learn to treat your body as a seperate entity from the soul.
In this way you stay unphased by the things that happen around you or to you.
Never to let Plague or Pride affect you.
And that's a true leaders important quality.
Take it from the Hero of 300. So cool. So unphased.
Be attached to your body and you're bound to suffer.
This is the reason why i have actually ceased to EMO
Although sometimes spirits do get dampened.
But as fast as they come, they go.
and nows its all about being
AWESOME 24/7 365
Sunday, August 12, 2007
EHV at bhavans international school
Teaching the kids to sing bhajans today
p1-p2 ( sharania begged me to come to her class and teach)
p3-p4 ( monkeys i tell you)
Surprisingly i felt shack after it all ended. But very satisfying :)
I totally despise having this ear infection
Keeps coming on and off.grrrr
and everything around me seems to come to a standstill
I cant get myself to do anything
and now my bodys overheated
but i still have my faith in the REDOXON vitamins i bought
Exams around the bend.
The setting are perfect for me to break down.
But like i promised myself
Never to let Plague or Pride affect me
i'm still going at it.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
sometimes you get so lost
in the concerns about the ones you love
that you forget about the ones that love you
and i thank GOD for realising this
you're one of a kind
unreciprocated love would flicker out
but yours never did
for how much you cared
i owe you more than any
you're one of a kind
unreciprocated love would flicker out
but yours never did
for how much you cared
i owe you more than any
dear lazy bum
im s o r r y :(
just rem
rain or shine
im still gona be here next to you
i promise :)
Like passing clouds
Things come and go
So learn to appreciate and enjoy
what you have till it lasts
and smile for the promised rainbow is there waiting for you
embrace it and be happy :)
Always be cheerful and content
Parthi Boy
After being constantly NAGGED by that SHARANIA ass i've decided to update my blog.
I've not been lazy, just busy :P
I actually have too much to say.
About my trip to bangalore, india
That shall be a seperate post on its own, when i have the time that is.
But my my my my my,
the changes have been just glaringly obvious
and im loving it.
A new me, so to say
and there to stay.
So they hencforth know me by the name PARTHI BOY
So basically for those who have been asking,
My name's thirukkumaaran
im 19
im in NGEE ANN POLY doing Business studies
YES music gives me orgasms ( longer than the ones pigs have)
YES i have a spiritual inclination
I aspire and perspire to do LAW
YES i love hockey and soccer
NO im not attached and NO im not interested anyone. sheesh
and YES YES i love my white army
including that sharania-ass ,uma(mia) and shameni(workaholic)
And most importantly, a strict believer in
Sanatana Dharma
I've not been lazy, just busy :P
I actually have too much to say.
About my trip to bangalore, india
That shall be a seperate post on its own, when i have the time that is.
But my my my my my,
the changes have been just glaringly obvious
and im loving it.
A new me, so to say
and there to stay.
So they hencforth know me by the name PARTHI BOY
So basically for those who have been asking,
My name's thirukkumaaran
im 19
im in NGEE ANN POLY doing Business studies
YES music gives me orgasms ( longer than the ones pigs have)
YES i have a spiritual inclination
I aspire and perspire to do LAW
YES i love hockey and soccer
NO im not attached and NO im not interested anyone. sheesh
and YES YES i love my white army
including that sharania-ass ,uma(mia) and shameni(workaholic)
And most importantly, a strict believer in
Sanatana Dharma
God You think, God You Are
Dust You think, Dust You Are
AS You Think, So You Are
Think GOD be GOD
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