a place where the freedom of expression noes no limits
first and foremost i would like to give credits to my dear ah ng for helping me create it =)
And since i've been having difficulty accessing it i'de like to thank sharania for helping me keep a lookout :)
lately, i've recieved much compliments from people i don't know
and i am very much grateful to you.
I decided to have this tagbox knowing the disadvantages it poses, but yet i went with it.
All because i'm very open to comments.
This falls into advantage of those trash talking uncouth beings out there who try to settle scores with me through the means of a tagbox.
Not to bark back at the barking dog.
That is the standards expected.
But i'm gona take this opportunity to address all those who take cover behind their moms skirts and throw paper aeroplanes at me, in hopes of crushing me.
When you throw a boomerang you have to realise that it comes back at you and to be able to handle it is an acquired skill.
Something you couldnt learn living behind that skirt all these years. I hope you comprehend the analogy.
Cos simply,
Reversing my name cannot reverse who i am my friend.
Now i publicly make an invitation to any soul out there who desire and crave a piece of me.
If you want me, come and get me.
I've chosen not to reply these comments, but neither will i delete them. And i'm not going to indulge in Drerogratory or Abusive terms to hit back. But in the terms of the pantomime, here's a Thank you for your effort =)