anger spited by the world around
The hoes and players
The egomaniacs and mofos
You don’t have saints walking this land anymore
So play the game like you should
Step out of the shadows and see eye to eye
Get dirty with the people spreading the dirt
And get the dirt of your shoulder
dormant in the shadows of my dharma i've been
for just too long
although i fear this anger might lose control
for now i do need this change;
Its simple
I hate the you're my bestfriend material not boyfriend shit talk
i hate the girls who just dont seem to get it, that some guys are assholes
i hate the egomaniacs who take advantage of ur kindness
I hate the assholes who put their chin up high by putting others down
and all this hatred just seems to grow grow into a nice warm fire
and so i feel dharma in this age has to be dished out in the most practical manner;
I know i can be what i wana be
If i work hard at it I'll be wat i wana be
Im putting in my utmost best
and im holding onto faith
patience is the virtue neccessary here;
the very sight of you and him that day
churned my heart mind and body into a senseless concortion of mess
you don't seem to realise the whore that you are
for i've helped you even by stabbing my own heart
and yet u took advantage and took a chance at medling with my heart
to forgive is divine
but i think ill just play the devils advocate in this case eh
dont worry, you'll noe wad i mean very soon;
no matter how much i try
i just cant hate you and put you in the distance
the things you've done hurt but your innocence shys you away from the truth of ur actions
i love your innocence
yet it kills me
i hate ur stupidity for he's a bastard
yet i have to be mummed like always
like a curse i love you more than anything in the world
but lets just bottle it up like a genie in a magic lamp
for i know its just not meant to be;

krishna madhava madhava krishna
brindavana sanchari shyama gopala
jaya madhusoodhana jaya nandalala
jhulana jhuley merey sai nandalala
sometimes krishna, i wonder why?
and what's wrong?
but i guess i'll just never know.
and oh btw, if you're gona quote me as emo, FUCK YOU :)