the imperishable, unchangeable and indestructible
the very word,letter, syllable
the pranava OM
the dettatreya trinity of brahma vishnu and shiva

so here's my thoughts amplified
this colloquy that i have with myself now here
the search for the things that remain constant in this life of changes, the things that are imperishable
yet cherishing the most simple things in life that may seem so unimportant and small but add beauty and colour,
to seek out the unfathomable, powers beyond our wildest dreams
the sanatana dharma to be upheld,
and the karma that we cannot run or hide from for it is the very equation we need to balance out
and hence the very reason of our existence
with a mic up my soul let the story unfold,
the past be forgotten and a new tale told.

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथ कीर्तनम् तत्र तत्र क्रित मस्तक अन्जलिं बष्पावरी परीपूर्ण लोचनम् मारुतिं नमश्च राक्षस अंतकम्।

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

first it was that uneducated whore,
and now its some mentally challenged hermophrodites
with a deprived childhood lacking roleplay.
You pricks dont get it do ya?
Thought i already told you uncouth retards to play it face-to-face with me and not use my tagbox?
But i guess faggots will always be faggots
So there.

Now i know that there are many lifeless souls out there
Who are quick to judge and ready to bitch
Not knowing its their own insecurities that they cannot face up to, thats toying with them
Or maybe its just that im their better half, and they know it eh?
Whatever the case, the problem lies here.
Bonnie and Clyde here crossed 2 lines;
1) Don't mess with gods. This is for your own safety.
2) Dont bite my friends just cos u cant bite me. Leave them out of this

And so this humble request to the gay duo, the next time you see me come right up to my face and say what you have to. I'll respect you. So simple
But i guess my testicles impaired frens aint got it.
Hence my advice,
Buzz of.

Thanks to fanatics like these i've been constantly showered with the limelight
But all this fame is getting me queasy
And so i've decided to take out my tagbox
So please quit the paparazzi-ing
cos im going private,