i'm about to let my perceptions that have emerged and grown through experiences
dictate this post.
பெண்கள் சிலந்திகள் ஆண்கள் பூச்சிகள்
I never knew the magnitude of this statement till today.
I can't believe how slowly it hit me
Maybe because i didn't want to believe that it was true
but the facts are straight
they want the badass jerks who treat them badly
they'll do anything it takes to get what they want
but the bigger problem is
they don't know what they want
and in the end when they get hurt
they'll turn to the few good ones
men be fools to let this be a pattern girls ride on
like their menstrual cycles i ain't takin shit.
பெண்ணை நம்பி பிறந்த போதே தொப்பில் கொடிகள் அருபடுமே
மண்ணை நம்பும் மாமரம் ஒரு நாள் மாபெரும் புயலில் வேறறுமே
உன்னை நம்பும் உருப்புகல் கூட ஒருபோதுன்னை கைவிடுமெ
இதில் பெண்ணை மட்டும் நம்பும் நம்பகம் பின நாள் வரையில் பின் வருமா?
in the blocks you released your beast
you ravaged my humanity and left me with nothing
i gave with faith and expected nothing
nothing except your loyalty
but like an animal you couldnt settle down and your greed overcame
and with fresh meat you shifted
stories of tents and best friends stained this love
yet you turned and pointed fingers at me
not realising your lips were stained your pants undone
all tell tale signs i was watching from afar
and it took me a year to get me over it
as everyday my body burned in thoughts of another touching you
the very thought sparked flames across my soul
but the winter frost of my numbness iced it all
காமம் என்ற மூன்று எழுத்தால் காதல் என்ற மூன்று எழுத்து அழிந்தது...
innocence kills
a chapter i finished mastering just today
i'm a slow learner pardon me
your fair skin and radiant glow i trusted
the complexities of our unlapping lives that somehow intertwined amazed me
i made you a part of me
but i forgot to look at the signs
love gives the blind eyes, only to gorge them out cruelly
like any other you trusted the poison and drank it as a cure
while i cut your veins and sucked it all out
reality woke me to spit it out and move away
yet thoughts of you rocked me gently to sleep
thats when today,
how you chidlishly commented the need for artistic skin distortion
it rocked my inner being and woke me up
for that's when i saw the side of you i've been lying to myself didn't exist
i drew an image of you and believed that it was you
and you played along well
this has nothing to do with love
it's everything to do with venus
i do not care for what you think
or will have to say about this
this is nothing but a reminder for myself
சிற்பமான பெண்ணிருந்து தேடி ஓடும் மாணிடா
அற்பமான மாதறோடு ஆசை கொல்வதேனடா?
take away desire and all thats left