the imperishable, unchangeable and indestructible
the very word,letter, syllable
the pranava OM
the dettatreya trinity of brahma vishnu and shiva

so here's my thoughts amplified
this colloquy that i have with myself now here
the search for the things that remain constant in this life of changes, the things that are imperishable
yet cherishing the most simple things in life that may seem so unimportant and small but add beauty and colour,
to seek out the unfathomable, powers beyond our wildest dreams
the sanatana dharma to be upheld,
and the karma that we cannot run or hide from for it is the very equation we need to balance out
and hence the very reason of our existence
with a mic up my soul let the story unfold,
the past be forgotten and a new tale told.

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथ कीर्तनम् तत्र तत्र क्रित मस्तक अन्जलिं बष्पावरी परीपूर्ण लोचनम् मारुतिं नमश्च राक्षस अंतकम्।

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Random update:
2nd week into school.
3rd years seems promising.
no really it does
first week was slackness cos there's no tutorials
but we had the CCA fiesta
you can see the hockey booth with the 3 power puff minahs
it was a success to all of us i guess

and in all WTFness.
JACQUELINE GOH got her driving license and a JEEP to go with it.
and she's like what barely 1.5m? wthhhh
yea SHE'S A CHICK with a dick haha
thats JEEP is like a guy's wet dream sia. other than the colour la :X
congrats jacq.bleah