IDEAL SAI YOUTH mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
SHF Hockey League Div 3 Semi Finals
SCC vs Tornados Anza
4 -1
Lesson learnt: More important than your biceps, triceps etc, are your ear muscles.
One ear in. One ear out

And then off to jurong point to meet the Kumaran, Sai, Shiva,Logan Rekha, Jivi, Sharania
From there we dropped jivi from the squad. She had to go somwhere important *AHEM*
Off to shiva's house where we sat by the pool and talked.talked talked.
One of the times i can really take my mind off.
Rekha kumaran and sharania left around 11
Me Logan Sai stayed on to overnight at shiva's
and my GOD. Logan snores like a pig i tell you.
i love these people tho :)
but what am i to do when the exodus takes place?